Internal Complaints Committee


With a mindfulness being made by the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, St. Xavier’s College, Burdwan (SXCB) had shaped its own help advisory group to address any such offense or complaints with strict corrective activities which will be at standard with those issued in the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition And Redressal) Act, 2013 distributed in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, PART II-Section 1 under the Legislative Department of Ministry of Law and Justice.

SXCB puts stock in sexual orientation correspondence and equity in the entirety of its mediations and practices. Remembering these standards, it is imperative to guarantee a hierarchical atmosphere that is free from separation with a specific spotlight on inappropriate behaviour. For this reason, the ICC has been framed in the College. We also have women Cell.


The objectives of Student Grievance redressal cell committee are:
1. Prohibition of any various levelled persecution practiced in view of sex imbalance that forbids scholarly or scholastic development.
2. Prevention of sexual orientation one-sided disposition with regards to the settling of the viability of work dispensed inside working hours.
3. Protection of the basic privileges of women.

Administrative Documents

Sl. Document Name Action
1. Harassment Form Download
2. Statement of Agreement Form Download
3. Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act and Rule 2013 Download
4. Handbook on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Download
5. UGC regulations 2015 Download
6. ICC Policy Download

Internal Complaints Committee 2024-25

Sl. Name Designation Position in ICC Mobile Number Gender
1 Mrs. Debdutta Banerjee Assistant Professor Chairperson +91-9051384495 F
2 Mrs. Barsha Ghosh Assistant Professor Member +91-8337818479 F
3 Mr. Somnath Tah Assistant Professor Member +91-9732304630 M
4 Mrs. Madhuri Hazra Assistant Professor Member +91-9476402636 F
5 Mr. Pinaki Bhattacharya Office Staff Member +91- 7001925517 M
6 Dr. Tapas Makar Secretary SPEED NGO, Burdwan +91- 9332317896 M
7 Ms. Palak Choudhary Student (Batch 2022-25) Member +91-8228964855 F
8 Mrs. Julita Hansda Support Staff Member F

Internal Complaints Committee List

Sl. Description Action
1. Internal Complaints Committee of 2023-2024 View
2. Internal Complaints Committee of 2022-2023 View