Academic Year 2024-2025
“From India to the World: Navigating international work cultures”
On 14.11.2024, The Department of Business Administration and Department of Commerce in association with IQAC and IIC organized a seminar on "From India to the World: Navigating international work cultures". The Chief guests of honour were Mr. Kushal Agarwala, Tax Manager, Big 4, London and Ms.Hannah Dodd, Freelancer and HR intern, London.
Academic Year 2023-2024
On the 2nd of September 2024, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of St. Xavier's College, Burdwan, in collaboration with the Department of Commerce, proudly unveiled the latest edition of the wall magazine "X-Insperia." The theme for this edition was "Unfolding the Tapestry of Indian Currency," which aimed to explore the historical and cultural evolution of Indian currency and its impact on the nation's economy.
Kolosseum Collegiate Entrepreneurs, Xavier’s Commerce Society & Entrepreneurship Development Cell in association with IQAC of St. Xavier’s College, Burdwan, organised a special lecture on “Start -Up & Entrepreneurship” on 21st of June,2024, the Chief Guest for the seminar was Prof. Kingshuk Mukherjee.
MSME: Market turbulence & the Way Out
On 21st September, 2023 the Department of Commerce in association with IQAC, SXCB organized a workshop (Day 1) on the topic "MSME - Market Turbulence and the Way Out" to be followed by industrial visit and paper presentation. The key note speaker was Dr. Abhik Mukherjee, Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, The University of Burdwan.
Corporate to Class, C to C
On 7th August, 2023, Xavier’s Commerce Society in association with The Department of Commerce; IQAC celebrates World Commerce Day. The key note speaker of the session was Dr. Abir Roy Chowdhury. The topic of the event was “Corporate to Class, C to C”.
Academic Year 2022-2023
World Consumer Rights Day
The objective of this student seminar was to raise global awareness of consumer rights, consumer protection, and empowerment. Students presented a skit on consumer awareness and explained the consumer rights.
The Magic of Manifestation
Ms. Baishali Datta Gupta highlighted how manifestation can help you achieve greater heights in her talk. She encouraged the students to believe in our self-worth, inspired the students with famous role models. She also guided us with several interview tips. Thus, students were quite participative and interactive.
Beyond the obvious
Marketing Myopia was the key topic of this lecture. Dr. Arpit Trivedi gave so many live examples for better understanding of the topic which led to an energetic and exciting interaction session among the students
Academic Year 2021-2022
Unlock Your Genius
This webinar taught the participants "Genius is not what we do. Genius is what we are".
Academic Year 2020-2021
Economic Sustainability vis-a-vis Covid 19
The Online Lecture has outlined the pathways being on economic sustainability side or on the other side how to deal with the current situation and also helped to understand the future economic structure post lockdown and the roles and responsibilities of financial institutions as well as small buyer-seller.
Academic Year 2019-2020
Customer Engagement
The seminar helped the participants to understand the future market structure post lockdown and the roles and responsibilities of a management as well as buyer-seller relationships.
Corporate Response vis-a-vis Covid 19 crisis
13th June, 2020
The Department of Commerce, St. Xavier’s College, Burdwan, organized an International Webinar. The webinar was conducted into two sessions. The 1st Research Session by taken by Dr. Partha Sarkar: Why Corporate need to responds? and later on Technical Session (Practical Exposure) taken by Mr. Ranjan Sarkar: What would be the corporate response and employee’s response?
Corporate class room
Organised by The Department of Commerce, St. Xavier’s College, Burdwan in collaboration with Xavier Business School, St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata. The workshop focused on on how this generation can attain its goal and be successful.
Academic Year 2018-2019
Emerging issues in Finance and Taxation- X-FIT
Dr. Debashis Sur & Dr. Debdas Rakshit , The University of Burdwan, had an interactive session with the students of commerce department where they cited the various aspects of finance and taxation, GST methodology as a doorway into a lucrative profession and its consequent growth oriented aspects.
Corporate to Students- Career Counseling
Mr. Kushal Agarwala, Manager, Deloitte, Malaysia, had an interactive session with the students of commerce department where they cited the various aspects of getting a job in abroad.